1.defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush.
2.After frigid magnificent decisive battle, the human army has defeated the dark regiment finally once again.
3.Xiaoyuer : no matter who I am , I can only say that you and I are fighting a decisive battle into Keyueba most memorable .
4.In August of 1265, the decisive Battle of Evesham laid the foundation of Edward's many victories to come, paving his way to the crown.
5.Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us.
6.Now Gilraen is assembling a new army so that Agrael will have to fight with him again soon. It will be a decisive battle for sure.
7.The Russian command decided to concentrate all available forces near Moscow for a decisive battle.
8.The credibility of American pledges to risk the decisive battle in defense of allies was bound to come into question.
9.The decisive battle was a turning point in World War I, the German Empire from moving toward final defeat.
10.The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.